Easy Shopper Pendulum Kit (6 Grab Bag)
Easy Shopper Pendulum Kit (6 Grab Bag)

Easy Shopper Pendulum Kit (6 Grab Bag)

Your Price:$20.70
Retail Price:$69.00
Your Savings:$48.30(70%)
Out of Stock
Part Number:GRAB BAG
With one click to your shopping cart you will receive 6 pendulums and 6 velveteen pouches for an awesome value of $3.00 per pendulum!

Your grab bag could include anything from our current stock, over stock or past stock.

Above is pictured some of the styles you may receive, but there's no guarantee of what will be in your bag. Pendulums retail at up to $20 each and all sales are final on our grab bags.

These grab bags are a great way to get a variety of pendulums at an incredible price!
5 Stars
Surprising value
I just received my first order from you, which included 4 "Easy Shopper Pendulum Kit (6 Grab Bag)s". I had to write to tell you how thrilled I am with the quality and selection. I had thought it was a bit of a risk ordering these - surely pendulums that were only $3 each would be the things no one wanted to buy. Boy, was I wrong! I was very impressed with the quality and variety (and the fact that each of the 4 grab bags was different.) I can't believe some of those were only $3! Thank you. As long as customers keep buying pendulums from me, I will keep ordering them from you!
Did you find this helpful?  4 of 5 Found Helpful
Reviewed by:  from Ontario. on 6/7/2014

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