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Reiki Sets
> Archangel Reiki Set (Rose Quartz)
Archangel Reiki Set (Rose Quartz)
Archangel Reiki Set (Rose Quartz)
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Archangel Reiki set made of Rose Quartz with symbols etched in gold. These oval stones are flat on one side, which makes them easier to lay & stay during your sessions. Roughly 1.5 inches long with slight variations in size and shape. Comes with a velveteen pouch to store them in. Uriel - Guardian of the North and Element of the Earth. Keeper of Prophecy. Angel of Nature, Visions and Instruction. Raphael - Guardian of the East and Element of the Air. Keeper of the Tree of Life and Healing Powers. Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter. Gabriel - Guardian of the West and the Element of the Water. Patron of Messengers. Angel of Resurrection, Mercy and Peace. Michael - Guardian of the South and the Element of the Fire. Chief of the Archangels. Angel of Justice, Strength and Protection. Rose Quartz: The stone of universal love. Restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. Encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance invoking self-trust and self-worth. Good energetic support for those with leukemia. Rose Quartz is said to have power to increase fertility and to protect both mother and unborn fetus from miscarriage. Chakra(s): Heart.
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